

enclosing. It seems that a certain manu- facturer of ladies garments in Florida advertised a contest via one of the popu- lar magazines. All that was needed was to send a picture showing the candidate wearing a garment purchased from said



Joanne had bought a skirt from them, she took her picture and mailed it, including of course some of her vital statistics. You can imagine how surprised she was when she received an official letter from the manufacturer in

which she was informed that she was one of three win- ners and as such she was entitled to a week's vaca- tion in Miami at the best hotel, a car at her dis- posal, a complete wardrobe, and radio and television appearances plus the chance of a modeling job. Right now Joanne is a total to salvage at least something from her winnings...without running the risk of being unmasked and disqualified. Her last remark to me was: "if it weren't for my voice-- I'd take the chance." ---Does anyone remember my "voice improvement crusade" in last TVia? There you have a perfect example of what I meant when I said that voice can be 50% of the whole picture we are trying to project.

And so it goes...we are finishing another year, and of course we all dream of better times to come... and specially of a world in which every TV will sit